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Vitamins For Hair Growth – The Role of Vitamin B6 in Promoting Healthy Hair

7 Min Read

Did you know you can use vitamins for supporting hair growth, and that Vitamin B6 is one of those that plays a vital role in maintaining our physical and mental health as well as keeping our hair healthy and beautiful through different mechanisms?
Other natural remedies that may have a positive impact on hair loss are supplements that support healthy hair growth, and relaxation methods such as yoga and meditation.

Mechanisms of Vitamin B6 to Increase Hair Health

Effective Protein Metabolism

Vitamin B6 is an important member of the Vitamin B-complex family, and it is actively involved in the protein metabolism in the body, since it acts as a catalyst. It activates the enzymes and chemical reactions that start the metabolism of the hair proteins, keratin and melanin, in the hair follicles. This makes the hair follicles get enough keratin and melanin, which promotes hair growth and hair renewal.

How Vitamins that Regulates Sex Hormones become Vitamins for Hair Growth

Vitamin B6 also controls the hormonal release of different glands, such as the ovaries and testes. A component of vitamin B6, known as Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (PLP), regulates the function of androgens – or sex hormones – i.e. testosterone and estrogen. These hormones have a direct effect on hair growth. Testosterone leads to the production of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which immensely affects the hair growth negatively, and leads to hair loss by decreasing the length of the hair growth phase (the anagen phase) and reducing the size of the hair follicles.

Eating certain vitamins or supplements can help to support healthy hair growth. According to a research study from Pauling Institute of Oregon State University Linus, Vitamin B6 binds to the testosterone receptors and stops the formation of DHT. Due to this, natural hair growth is restored. 

Vitamins For Hair Growth Combined With Other Elements

Another study was conducted by the British Journal of Dermatology in 2007, in which they found that the combination of Vitamin B6 with Zinc and Azelaic Acid in low concentrations can inhibit 90% of harmful activity of testosterone, i.e. formation of DHT in the hair follicle. These results were backed by the Journal of Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, which stated that the use of Azelaic Acid and Vitamin B6 in combination greatly accelerates hair growth. This study also revealed that Vitamin B6 helps in natural hair color restoration by increasing the formation of melanin – a natural coloring pigment – in the body.

It was also concluded by the Polish journal Wiadomosci Lekarskie in 2001, that injections of Vitamin B6 prevented hair loss and hair thinning in women.

Click here to get a complete list of best hair loss vitamins that you can start taking as a precautionary measure today.

A varied diet that includes Vitamin B-6 gives you the important nutrients you need for a healthy hair.

Reduction in Mental Stressors

Vitamin B6 is vital for our brain development, and can also help prevent depression since it plays an important role in producing the hormones serotonin and dopamine, which affect our mood and nerve communication.

Vitamin B6 also increases the flow of oxygenated blood to the hair follicle and scalp. This blood, full of oxygen, greatly supports hair growth and hair revitalization.

Dietary Sources of Vitamin B6 and Recommended Daily Dose

Food sources that are rich with vitamins for hair growth are turkey, chicken, fish like tuna and salmon. Other sources are pistachio nuts, sunflower seeds, spinach, avocado and bananas. The recommended daily intake of Vitamin B6 is 1.3 milligrams to 1.7 milligrams per day. If your dietary intake of Vitamin B6 is not enough to fulfill the daily requirement, use Vitamin B6 oral supplements. However, it’s highly recommended not to consume more than the recommended dose of oral Vitamin B6 supplements, as higher amounts can have harmful side effects.

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