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Try this resveratrol boosting smoothie for healthy hair

5 Min Read

In a previous postNutrafol mentioned the importance of taking resveratrol supplements, but there are also other ways to increase your intake. And those are….

…eating well

Supplements are a great resveratrol source but it does not mean that you need to limit yourself to only that. Ingesting resveratrol through your diet is a great way to complement those supplements. Although you can take it as a supplement, it is also possible to make some dietary changes in order to increase the amount of resveratrol ingested through food. And the best part? The foods that contain this little miracle substance happen to be pretty yummy too.

Foods where resveratrol can be found

  • Peanut butter – although it does not contain much of it, peanut butter does have a small amount of resveratrol.
  • Dark chocolate – natural, dark chocolate has a small amount of the substance as well. The higher the cacao percentage, the better it is.
  • Blueberries – natures own little antioxidants, and a significant one. Not only are these little blue berries a good source of antioxidants, they are also a good source of resveratrol.
  • Red grapes – now, it is not the meat itself that carries the substance, it is the skin of red grapes. The substance carries over into wine as well, so none of it is lost.
  • Nuts – Walnuts, cashews, almonds and pistachios are all nuts that are a good source of resveratrol.

So now that you know which nutrients are going to help you increase your resveratrol level, how about blending them all together? So without further ado, this is how you do it.

The Ultimate Resveratrol Smoothie

This smoothie is packed with all your favorite resveratrol foods. It is the quickest way to massively boost your levels of resveratrol in a healthy way. Although you might think it is easier to eat a dark chocolate and blueberry cookie, or drink a bottle of red wine to boost your levels, this could be harming your hair in other ways. Let’s stick with the smoothie to be on the safe side. So this is what you need for your smoothie:

  • One scoop of hemp protein
  • 1 large handful of frozen or fresh blueberries
  • 1 handful of frozen or fresh red seedless grapes
  • 2 chunk of high cocoa content chocolate (70% or more)
  • 1 large handful of mixed nuts including cashew nuts
  • Almond milk (if available, if not use bottled water) to desired consistency
  • Bonus points if you have a splash of pumpkin seed oil

Drink the smoothie once a week for a month to top up your resveratrol levels and then have it whenever you feel like it. The pumpkin seed oil is added as an extra bonus because it has been shown to improve hair count.

Photo: Easy Healthy Smoothie via Flickr.

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