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Here’s What To Expect If You Just Started Taking Nutrafol

5 Min Read

By Carol Hardy2019-09-04

Congrats! Choosing to take control of your hair health is already an amazing achievement. By taking a stand to do what you can for your hair wellness, you’re already on the road to success. So what can you expect on your Nutrafol hair wellness journey? Everyone is different, and let’s be honest: growing hair takes time. The good news is, there are things we can do to kick-start the action. No magic pill—just a great way to support hair wellness from within by nourishing the environment that makes hair happy.

Keep scrolling to learn what to expect on Nutrafol and to see incredible customer results. 

0-3 months in…

3-6 months in…

You’re setting the stage for growth. <br>Stay tuned for great side benefits, like reduced stress and improved sleep, in your first three months. It’s all because the botanicals and supportive nutrients in Nutrafol are working to balance your system and target the factors affecting your hair.  

You’ll start seeing healthier hair growth.<br>After 3-6 months, you may start to feel that the quality of your hair has changed for the better. Many users report overall positive benefits to their skin and nails as well.

Over 7 months…

You’re growing! <br>You’ve been taking your Nutrafol daily for at least 7 months and your hair feels stronger and more vibrant. It feels thicker and looks shinier, too. Thinning and breakage continue to decline. You’re excited by what you see in the mirror, and how you feel inside. Commitment definitely has its rewards.

Keep growing—and experience great side benefits.<br>The ingredients in Nutrafol are shown to promote hair growth, more shine, better texture, more fullness and enhanced volume. In fact, many people tell us they experience better sleep, less stress, and clearer skin, too—a little something we call side benefits. (Score.)

Check out these before and afters to see the power of Nutrafol in action. 

"It was an incredible realization to learn that a solution could work from the inside out. I definitely felt my hair get thicker and stronger overall and I am still seeing improvement everyday."
—Jonathon, 38

Teresa first started experiencing hair thinning when she was 24 years old. Her hair health was being impacted by long work hours as a nurse and repeated use of hair dyes and chemicals. Nutrafol has been a part of her routine for three years and she's more confident than ever!
—Teresa, 51

“I had worried for years about my hair because constant styling was taking its toll. Nutrafol has been an incredible gift because my hair is stronger and healthier than ever!”
—Bonnie, 46
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